The Beloit Club firmly believes that a happy golfer is a happy member. With this in mind, the Beloit Club offers lessons for our members through the Ironworks Golf Academy. One of the reasons members leave a club is that they no longer have fun playing golf. Our instructors are on staff to ensure our golfers are able to get the very most out of their abilities, allowing them to enjoy the game and anticipate that next round. Instructors utilize the very finest in technology to ensure all students are able to reach their full potential.

Ironworks Golf Academy
The Ironworks Golf Academy was created to satisfy the demand for player development programs that involve instruction, coaching, and club fitting. Our team of PGA/LPGA instructors and coaches have demonstrated a recognized ability to create significant and sustained improvement with students, and they show a clear passion for their craft.
TrackMan 4: Allows our instructors to measure in real time what the club and ball are doing in three-dimensional space
SAM PuttLab: Measures no fewer than 28 parameters of the putting stroke using ultrasound measurements to help you identify the strengths and weaknesses in your putting.
K-Vest: Measures your swing positions, sequence, consistency, speed, and tempo. From this data your instructor will create a biofeedback training program to improve your swing efficiency and speed.