If you know a teen who would enjoy walking some gorgeously kept greens, all while making some green, they might want to consider a summer spent on an award-winning 18-hole golf course. To inquire, please contact Nathan Laird.
In 2017, the Beloit Club partnered with the Western Golf Association to offer caddies to our members and guests. In 1930, the Western Golf Association established the Chick Evans Scholarship for caddies, which is a full tuition and housing college scholarship. The average total value of an Evans Scholarship is $80,000 per student. Currently, 910 students are enrolled at 18 leading universities, including Wisconsin, Marquette, Northwestern, Northern Illinois and Illinois. Since the first scholarship was awarded in 1930, more than 10,000 alumni have graduated from the program. Applications for the Evans Scholarship are accepted at the beginning of the senior year of high school.
Applicants will be evaluated by the Scholarship Committee on the following criteria: strong caddie record, excellent academics, financial need, character and leadership.
The Beloit Club is proud to have had two Evans Scholarship winners walk through our doors. Josiah DuBois received the prestigious award in 2021, and Sarah Ramsden joined him with the honor in 2024.
The Beloit Club will enhance our golfers' experience by offering optional caddies while providing an incredible opportunity for the local youth. Our goal is to educate our golfers on the benefit of utilizing caddies, setting the stage for a Beloit Club caddie to earn this wonderful scholarship. (As an example, Big Foot Country Club in Walworth County boasts 11 of their current or former caddies enrolled as Evans Scholars.) Of course, that did not happen overnight. It will take hard work on the part of our staff to recruit and train caddies, but, most importantly, it will take the strong support of our members to utilize these caddies and encourage others to do so. Without the support from the members, we will be unsuccessful in reaching our goal of providing this great opportunity for some of our deserving local youth.
Benefits to Golfers
Improves the quality of the golfer’s game
Increases health benefits
Increases personal satisfaction
Amplifies the golfing experience
Benefits to the Club
Speeds up pace of play
Enhances the status and image of the club
Improves course conditions
Increases professional assistance
Caddie Benefits
Opportunity to earn good money during flexible hours
Exposure to positive role models
Opportunity to have a great work environment
Ability to work and exercise
Opportunity to be awarded a Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship
Community Benefits
Young caddies develop outstanding work ethic and attitude
A mentoring relationship is developed in a healthy environment
In recognition of these benefits and the importance of caddie programs, the Beloit Club encourages golfers to use caddies whenever they are available.